Adding an Employee

You may add a new employee in the following two ways:

  1. Click the button on the "Employee/Group Administration" window.
  2. Click the button under the employee box on the "Employee/Group Administration" window and click .

Both of the above methods will produce the same "Employee Properties" window, as pictured here:  Employee Properties - Add User window

Properties tab

The fields highlighted in red are required fields.

First Name

The employee's first name.

Middle Initial

The employee's middle initial.

Last Name

The employee's last name.


If the employee is an active employee, be certain the Active box is checked. If you are changing the employee's record and the employee is no longer an active employee, deselect the Active box by clicking in the box or by pressing the space bar while on the Active field.

User Name

The User Name will automatically appear as the first initial of the first name, the middle initial (an X will represent the middle initial if a middle initial was not entered) followed by the last name or the first six characters of the last name. The user name may be changed to any unique alpha-numeric code with a maximum length of eight characters.


The Password may be alpha/numeric and must satisfy the following criteria: 1) must be unique; 2) must contain more than one character; 3) must differ from the 'user name'; 4) cannot be a combination of like characters (i.e. mmm or 22); and 5) cannot contain spaces/blanks.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. This means that if the Password is typed in UPPERCASE, each time the employee logs in the password must be typed in UPPERCASE in order to gain access to the software.

Last Login

The date and time the employee most recently logged into the software. If you are setting up a new employee, the Last Login will read (none).

Group Membership

The box on the left contains a listing of the available groups. The box on the right contains a listing of the groups the employee has been assigned a member of (if any). The employee must be assigned to at least one group in order to save the employee record.

Assigning the Employee to a Group

Removing the Employee from a Group

Permission Exceptions tab

Permissions Exceptions tabThe "Permissions Exceptions" tab is used to modify access the employee has to specific secured items the group(s) the employee is assigned to may or may not have access to.

Example: Andrew Garcia was added to the group Sales. Members of the Sales group are not able to reverse invoices or run the sales management report  for employees other than themselves.  However, Andrew is an assistant manager and has these capabilities, so his access needs to be set to Full for these securable items. 

Note: If an entire menu was marked with no access for a particular group, an individual employee in that group cannot be given access to an item on that menu.  For example, if the Sales group does not have access to the Reverse menu, Andrew Garcia cannot be given access to the Reverse Individual Invoice item because the main menu permissions has precedence.  So, instead of marking access to None for the Reverse Menu for the Sales group, you mark the access as Full for the Reverse Menu and set the access to None for all the individual options on that menu.  You can then assign the permission exceptions to Full for Reverse Individual Invoice for Andrew Garcia.

If changes do not have to be made to the access permissions the employee has, the "Permission Exceptions" tab should remain blank.

Adding Access Permission to a Secured Item

  1. Click the button.
  2. Select the secured item to modify in the 'Secured Items' table.
  3. Select the applicable access status in the Access column.

Deleting a Secured Item from the Permissions Exceptions tab

  1. Highlight the secured item on the table you wish to delete.
  2. Click the button.
  3. Confirm the deletion.

Notes tab

The Notes tab may be used as a place to type any comments or notes regarding the employee.

Saving the Employee

Click the Save button to save the new employee record.  If an existing employee was selected to change, once a change has been made the Save button will appear. Click the Save button to save all changes to the employee record.

Scrolling through the Employees

To view or make changes to the properties of another employee from the "Employee Properties" window, click one of the arrows on the bottom left of the "Employee Properties" window described as follows:

To view/change the properties of the first employee (the employees are saved in alphabetical order by last name), click this button.
To view/change the properties of the employee that is next in order to the current employee on the "Employee Properties" window, click this button.
To view/change the properties of the employee that is previous in order to the current employee on the "Employee Properties" window, click this button.
To view/change the properties of the employee that is previous in order to the current employee on the "Employee Properties" window, click this button.

Printing an Employee Report

To print a report by employee, showing the user names or group membership, click .  Determine the information you would like to see on the report and select the options that meet your requirements. Click the Run button.